618 Canyon Road Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 505-988-5057 nordwallgallery@msn.com
Native American, Impressionism & Wildlife
© Copyright 2014 Nordwall Gallery & Studio, All Rights Reserved.
Nordwall Gallery & Studio
Raymond Nordwall
618 Canyon Road
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Born: Muskogee, Oklahoma 1965
Tribe: Pawnee, Ojibwe and Cherokee
Education: 1987 Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM- AFA with Honors
1984 Bacone College, Muskogee, Oklahoma under the direction of Dick West
1983 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Oklahoma
Apprenticeships: 1978-1983 Johnny Tiger, Jr., Native American Painter
1986-1987 the late Frank Howell
1999 Andrew Peters, Painter
Adam Fortunate Eagle, Native American Sculptor
Appointed Positions:
Former Commissioner of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board under the United States
Departement of Interior, Washington D.C.
Commissioner of the New Mexico Arts Commission
Santa Fe Indian Market:
SWAIA Indian Market 2000 Poster Artist Santa Fe, NM
Demonstrations, Lectures and Workshops:
1997 monotype workshop, demo and lecture Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, OK
1998 mentorship Isleta Elementary, Isleta,NM Pueblo, NM
2000 mentorship Isleta Elementary, Isleta,NM Pueblo, NM
2001 Children's Mural Project IAIA Museum, Santa Fe, NM
2014 "Wildlife Painting, Quick and Powerful" Expo Artisans Santa Fe, NM
Bacone College
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Five Civilized Tribes Museum
Gary Hart
Senator Enoch Kelly Haney
Gianni Versace Estate
UTZ Industries
Institute of American Indian Arts Museum
Ralph Lauren
National Congress of the American Indian
National Museum of American Indian
Elizabeth and Randy Travis
Pequoit Tribe
Raymond James Financial (Thomas James)
Red Earth Museum
Oklahoma State Muesum
Bacone College